Teleconference Confirmation

You’re Almost Done!

You’ve just been sent an email with a confirm link.

Look in your inbox NOW for the confirmation message.

If you don’t click on the link in that email, you won’t receive any more information about the workshop. It takes about 5 seconds, and you MUST do this. (This protects you from spam.)

Open the email and follow the instructions to confirm you want to sign up.

If you don’t see that email in your inbox shortly, please check your spam folder as it may have been filtered out. If you still don’t see it, fill out the form again to have another copy of it sent to you. If you still have trouble, email me at matthew [at] higherselfguides [dot] com.

Many blessings,


P.S. To ensure you receive updates from us, please add matthew [at] higherselfguides [dot] com to your address book or contacts list.